Our principles

As part of our preparations for submission for registration to the Office for Students, we require updated information from all members of the Board of Governors.

As a member of the Board of Governors, it is a requirement that you commit to the seven principles of Public Life (The Nolan Principles) and that you self-declare as a ‘fit and proper’ person (see appendix for definition).  The purpose of the ‘fit and proper’ test is to ensure the ownership and management arrangements for a University are appropriate and do not present a risk to students or to public funds.  Please note the following principles and refer to the website for further information. 

Seven principles

  • selflessness
  • integrity
  • objectivity
  • accountability
  • honesty
  • transparency
  • leadership

More information available at  GOV.UK - Committee on Standards in Public Life

We have adopted the Committee of University Chairs (CUC)