Working in the School of Computer Science and Technology
Introducing the School of Computer Science and Technology: The School of Computer Science and Technology is globally distinct for being at the frontiers of society’s needs. We transform lives through combining civically focused research with practice-led, hands-on education, embracing disruptive landscapes to address today’s most challenging issues.
Our School brings together subjects that are amongst the most relevant in today's society and in addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges. We are home to disciplines from across Computer Science; Information Technology; Cyber Security and Networking; Robotics; Electronic, Mechanical, and Automotive Engineering; Construction; and Creative Technologies. The School has a diverse international community of over 2000 students.
Our dedicated academic team are conducting research that drives meaningful change in our society and enriches communities locally, nationally and globally. Our degrees rooted in the real world so students experience first-hand the importance of their subject in the modern world and graduate career-ready with experience that sets them apart.
Our courses
We deliver a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses offering an impressive degree of subject and programme flexibility. Our teaching is led by highly qualified staff and is informed by world class research whilst being driven by business projects.
At Undergraduate level we offer several specialist BSc degree courses in Computer Science, Electronics and Telecommunications. These full-time courses range from Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, Games Development & Graphics to Software Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Computer Security & Forensics and Computer Networking.
At Postgraduate level we offer a wide range of courses from Computer Forensics and Security to Electronic Engineering to Business Information Systems.
Our specialist teaching rooms
Our specialist teaching rooms include:
- National Instruments Electronic Engineering laboratory
- Forensics and IT Security laboratory
- CCNA Academy Computer Networking suite
- Games, Animation and Graphics studios
- Rohde & Schwarz Telecommunications laboratory
- General Computing and IT teaching areas
- Makers Laboratory
Current vacancies
University switchboard
During office hours
(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400
Outside office hours
(Campus Watch)
+44 (0)1582 74 39 89
International office
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