Academic Quality Framework

The Academic Quality Framework (AQF) consists of an overarching document [PDF] that sets out the University's principles for quality assurance and enhancement, which is supported by a series of process documents, templates and guidance for the activities that underpin the principles. The AQF and supporting documents are available on the Quality & Standards SharePoint site

Key activities included in the AQF are:

  • Approving a new course (including validated provision and apprenticeships)
  • Approving a new short course
  • Approving a new franchise to a partner
  • Approving a new collaborative partner
  • Making permanent changes to a course or unit (the modifications process)
  • Making temporary changes to a course or unit (the exceptions process)
  • Closing or suspending a course or unit
  • Understanding external examining

Teaching and Learning policies and definitions are managed by the Academy for Learning and Teaching Excellence, including the Assessment and Feedback Policy that replaced chapter 8 of the Quality Handbook.


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