Academic Quality Framework

The Academic Quality Framework (AQF) consists of an overarching document [PDF] that sets out the University's principles for quality assurance and enhancement, which is supported by a series of process documents, templates and guidance for the activities that underpin the principles. The AQF and supporting documents are available on the Quality & Standards SharePoint site

Key activities included in the AQF are:

  • Approving a new course (including validated provision and apprenticeships)
  • Approving a new short course
  • Approving a new franchise to a partner
  • Approving a new collaborative partner
  • Making permanent changes to a course or unit (the modifications process)
  • Making temporary changes to a course or unit (the exceptions process)
  • Closing or suspending a course or unit
  • Understanding external examining

Information previously in the Quality Handbook

The AQF is focussed on activities that fall within the remit of Quality & Standards, and so will not cover some of the areas that traditionally sat within the Quality Handbook. Links to this information will remain here until we can signpost their new home.

Examination Boards (formerly chapter 6)

Academic Representation (formerly chapter 9)

Student Support (formerly chapter 10)

Research Degrees (formerly chapter 12)


Teaching and Learning policies and definitions managed by the Academy for Learning and Teaching Excellence, including the Assessment and Feedback Policy that replaced chapter 8 of the Quality Handbook.


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