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Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or identity. The Careers & Employability Service at the University of Bedfordshire is here to support every student to develop the competencies and experience that they need to achieve their career goals.

You can find some useful links below or click the tiles for specific information.

Useful Links

  • Target Jobs - Discrimination in the recruitment and process, a legal guide for graduates
  • The Equality Act 2010 - Guidance
  • The Windsor Fellowship - Opportunities programmes and internships for all people regardless of their race, religion or background
  • SEO London - delivering superior educational, training, and mentoring support to young people from low socioeconomic and ethnic minority backgrounds
  • Creative Access - providing career long access, opportunities, support and training for people from under represented groups to make the creative industries reflect society
  • My Plus Student's Club - Disability Careers Guides
  • National Careers Service - Job support if you have special education needs or a disability
  • Vercida - a ‘careers site’ showcasing inclusive employers building sustainability, wellbeing and belonging into their workforce
  • University of Bedfordshire Student Support Services - including mental health, disability support and money advice